
Adoption Information & Guidelines

  • Paws & Claws Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer organization that advocates humane treatment and care of animals. We rescue and shelter homeless animals and strive to educate the public with regard to animal welfare laws and proper pet care. Adopting an animal is a lifetime responsibility and commitment to that animal.

  • The adoption fees range depending on the individual animal. This money only partially covers the veterinary expenses incurred by our organization. All animals adopted from PCHS will be altered prior to adoption.

  • NO animal will be adopted as a gift to be given to another party.

  • The intent of Paws & Claws is to provide good “matches” between pets and people. To help us make the best matches, we ask everyone to fill out a questionnaire.  PCHS may refuse to adopt an animal if it is not in the best interest of the animal to be adopted by this individual and/or family.

  • PCHS cannot guarantee the health and temperament of any animal.

  • After submitting an application, there is generally a processing period of 1-3 days in order to complete all adoption paperwork before taking possession of an adopted animal. To facilitate adoption process, you may want to bring in any current pets veterinarian records with you.

  • All prospective adopters must show (at the time of adoption) a valid driver’s license or other acceptable identification to verify their name, address, and age. Adopters must be at least 18 years of age.

  • Landlord approval is necessary for approval of any adoption if the adopter lives in a rental property, a trailer court or a condominium.

  • All cats will be adopted as strictly indoor pets. All dogs are intended to be companion animals and must have adequate shelter, the majority of Paws & Claws dogs are adopted as indoor pets.

  • As a rule, potential adopters are required to have all existing pets spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccinations before being approved for an adoption of a PCHS animal. Paws & Claws will check with your current veterinarian for confirmation before approval of an adoption.

If you have any questions regarding these policies, please ask to talk to a Paws & Claws Representative. Thank you for considering adopting your next pet from Paws & Claws.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Adopting a Pet

  • Are you prepared to take the animal with you if you move? To spend the time and effort necessary to find a place to live that will accept pets?

  • If you live in an apartment, are you sure that your lease allows you to keep a pet?

  • Are you able and willing to make the financial commitment to provide your new pet with the food and routine medical care it needs every year? If necessary, are you able and willing to provide emergency medical care if the situation ever occurs?

  • Have you considered that this cute, playful puppy or kitten, with the childlike features and antics, will soon turn into an adult animal with its own personality? And that it could very likely be with you for the next 10 to 20 years?

  • Are you able and willing to spend time playing with, exercising, and loving you new family member on a daily basis?

  • Do you have the time and are you willing to spend the time it takes to house train your new pet?

  • Are you aware that this new pet may chew or scratch furniture or other items in your home? Are you willing to work with it to teach it not to do these things?

  • Are you prepared for hair on the sofa and carpet, scratch marks on floors or furniture, and for the fact that your house can be no longer kept faultlessly clean?

  • Are you prepared to clean up fecal matter or urine, or vomited hair balls, without getting angry at the animal?

  • Are you aware of the playful and inquisitive nature of pets, specially kittens and puppies, and are you willing to accept this playfulness in your household?

  • Can you ensure that your new pet will not be left alone at home for more than 8 hours a day? Have the other people in your household consented to the addition of a new pet?

  • After you’ve brought the pet home, are you willing to skip a few weekend trips initially to help your new pet familiarize it with you and your household?

  • Do you have relatives, friends, neighbors, who will take care of your pet while you are on vacation? If not, are you prepared to make suitable boarding/pet-sitting arrangements?

If you have children, can they understand that a pet requires time and attention every day? Is the child willing to sacrifice some of his or her playtime to take care of the pet?  Are you willing to remind your child of these duties?  If the children get bored with the pet, are YOU willing to give it the attention and care it needs?

If you can gladly answer YES to each of these questions, you will be rewarded with many years of loving companionship from your new pet!

Adoption Agreement Information

You will be asked to complete an adoption application form at the Paws and Claws Shelter. Our animals are available on a first come, first serve basis. Please note that an approved application does not necessarily guarantee that a particular animal will be available at a future date/time. An approved application for one animal may not be transferable to the adoption of a different animal.

To help you prepare for your visit, please review the following adoption policies. After reading and agreeing, you will initial each item on the form.

_______ I fully understand and agree that within the first 30 days of adoption I may return the animal to Paws and Claws Humane Society and that the animal will only be accepted back if space allows.  I will NOT be given a refund.

______ I fully understand and agree that after the initial 30‐day trial period if I want to surrender the animal back to the Humane Society there will be a surrender fee and that the animal will only be accepted back if space allows. I will NOT be given a refund.

_______ I fully understand and agree that any adoption fees paid to the Paws and Claws will not be refunded.

_______ I fully understand and agree that the Paws and Claws Humane Society makes no warranty or guarantees (behavioral or health) regarding this animal.  I understand that the shelter environment and home environment are different, and the animal’s behavior may change once in a new environment.

_______ I fully understand and agree that Paws and Claws Humane Society has the right to request a home visit and/or to otherwise see the animal at any time.

_______ I fully understand and agree that I will provide humane care and treatment for this animal and abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement.

_______ I fully understand and agree that if I have any questions concerning this animal, I will contact the Humane Society immediately. 

_______ I fully understand and agree that Paws and Claws Humane Society has the right to refuse any adoption for any reason.

_______ I have considered a plan for if I encounter the following life situations: getting married, moving, getting divorced, having a baby, contracting allergies, getting an additional pet, going on vacation, and medical emergencies for myself or my pet. I will make plans and accommodations to keep my pet.

_______ Pets are relinquished at very high rates, I understand that Paws and Claws is trying to combat this, and I know that Paws and Claw’s adoption efforts are for a pet’s lifetime.


With donations from generous people like you, thousands of animals have a second chance at life! Make a difference in the life of an animal by donating today. Donations are tax deductible.

Contact Information

3224 19th Street NW
Rochester, MN 55901
(507) 288-7226

Pet Viewing Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 12:30 to 4:30 pm
Tuesday & Thursday 2pm to 7 pm
Closed Sundays

Our Social Media

Paws and Claws Humane Society