You can make monetary donations by check or online.
Monetary donations can be mailed to our office. Please make your check payable to “Paws and Claws Humane Society.” Donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made into any of the funds listed below, or for any other specific purpose, either in one’s own name or in honor or memory of another individual or pet. All honorary and memorial donations will be recognized in our newsletter. Click HERE to download a memorial form that you can fill out and send with your donation.
Emergency Care Fund

Cats and dogs in our care sometimes need extensive and expensive medical treatment due to sickness or injury. This fund helps provide medical care for life threatening conditions that may arise in any of our shelter animals, making it possible for us to save an animal’s life and to relieve pain and suffering. Please specify “Emergency Care Fund” on the memo line of your check or donate online through the button below.

Spay/Neuter Fund

This fund helps fight the problem of animal overpopulation by providing low cost spay and neuter procedures of cats and dogs sheltered at Paws and Claws. It also helps defray the spay and neuter cost for animals belonging to area residents who are unable pay. The MN SNAP Van provides these services at our shelter monthly. Please specify “Spay/Neuter Fund” on the memo line of your check or donate online through the button below.

Guardian Angel Program

Some animals that come to us take months to recover physically and emotionally from prior neglect or trauma. They require extra time to find a home compatible with their needs. The cost of this extra care, rehabilitation, or extended stays is often more than our budget allows. These animals deserve a second chance. The Guardian Angel program provides a way for you to contribute to the care and support of long term cats and dogs and to form a personal bond with our shelter animals. For just $10 a month, you can sponsor one of the many animals at our shelter. You will receive periodic pictures and information about your special animal. A new animal will be assigned to you when the one you are currently sponsoring is adopted. To join the Guardian Angel program, please fill out the Guardian Angel Enrollment Form.
Please specify “Guardian Angel” on the memo line of your check or donate online through the button below.

General Fund

Money from the general fund goes towards everything from food and medical care for the animals, to paying for utilities, supplies, and staff salaries.
Please specify “General Fund” on the memo line of your check or donate online through the button below.